Nokia Here and Now available on E72 update

Nokia’s location aware service , Here and Now is now available for E72 on Application updates.
Here and Now finds your location based on Cell Tower location and provides information about current happenings around the city and weather , unfortunately I’m Rahim Yar Khan for work and nothing is happening here so I ‘ve to suffice with Weather Smile

If you are using Here and Now do tell us how interesting it is

Source: SenseApplied

Monday, March 29, 2010

Nokia Here and Now available on E72 update

Nokia’s location aware service , Here and Now is now available for E72 on Application updates.
Here and Now finds your location based on Cell Tower location and provides information about current happenings around the city and weather , unfortunately I’m Rahim Yar Khan for work and nothing is happening here so I ‘ve to suffice with Weather Smile

If you are using Here and Now do tell us how interesting it is

Source: SenseApplied