Google Earth for Android Now Available on Android Market

Good news for all the Google Earth fans, who also happen to own an Android phone. Google has finally unveiled and made available the Android version of Google Earth which is now available on Android Market.

This latest addition takes advantage of Android phones multitouch capabilities and is a treat to have on your phone, especially Nexus One. You will not feel a difference in the look and feel and it is really fun when you can have the world dancing on your finger tips (literally) has done some good job in posting some neat screenshots. In case you want to have a look before download then do visit the site. As for me, I still have to install the screenshot app in my new desktop so it will take me a while to upload the screens.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Google Earth for Android Now Available on Android Market

Good news for all the Google Earth fans, who also happen to own an Android phone. Google has finally unveiled and made available the Android version of Google Earth which is now available on Android Market.

This latest addition takes advantage of Android phones multitouch capabilities and is a treat to have on your phone, especially Nexus One. You will not feel a difference in the look and feel and it is really fun when you can have the world dancing on your finger tips (literally) has done some good job in posting some neat screenshots. In case you want to have a look before download then do visit the site. As for me, I still have to install the screenshot app in my new desktop so it will take me a while to upload the screens.

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